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Dark 45

Dark 45 是每年夏天過後第一個夜山賽,比賽路線於著名的麥里浩徑的”小雙坳”之上,由水浪窩營地為起點,至荃錦坳為終點,全長45公里,2800米攀升。Cut off 時間為14小時。

比賽日子在10月1日00:00起步 (即凌晨12:00) 全程黑夜進行,在反光絲帶作為引路下,在熟悉的路徑上有不一樣的夜山體驗。


Dark45 is the first night race in HK after summer. The race route is on the popular MacLehose "Double Au", starting from the Shui Long Wo campsite and finishing at the Tsuen Kam Au, covering 44.5 km with an elevation of 2650m. The cutoff time is 14 hours. 

Starting at 00:00 (midnight) on 1 Oct, navigating the iconic nightscape of Hong Kong and guided by the shimmering reflective ribbons, this will be a unique experience on the famous Maclehose Trail. 

The temperature and trail condition will be ideal for a PB. The perfect start of your racing season begins here.

Race Information

報名費 FEE :
比賽日期 DATE :  
起步時間 START TIME :  
賽程 ROUTE : 


比賽全長 DISTANCE : 

總攀升 ELEVATION+ :  
限時 TIME LIMIT :   
起點 START :  

終點 FINISH :   

2024-10-1 (Tuesday) 
凌晨零時 00:00

Section 4 to 8 of the McLehose Trail

45 km

2800 m+
14 hours
水浪窩 (行李寄存)

Shui Long Wo (Drop Bag Drop Off Area)
荃錦坳扶輪公園 (行李提取

Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Drop Bag Pick-Up Area)

Dark 45 高度圖
Elevation Chart

Dark45 高度圖.png


  • 男女子個人全場 :                          第一至第十名

  • 男女子年齡組別:                           第一至第三名                          18-29歲, 30-39歲, 40-49歲, 50-59歲, 60歲+

  • 時間達標現金獎 (標準由大會制定)​


備註 : 

  1. 全場頭 10名選手的成績不計入年齡組別獎項

  2. 年齡計算以比賽當日為準​

  • Men's & Women's Overall :                 Top 10​

  • Male and female age groups:          Top 3​                              18-29y, 30-39y, 40-49y, 50-59y, 60y+​​

  • Special Incentive Awards (HKD cash) for achieving certain finishing time (set by the race organiser)

 Remarks : 

  1.  Results of overall top 10 winners will not be counted for the age group awards.

  2.  Age calculation is based on the day of the competition

Prizes & Categories 


Download Dark 45 GPX

45km –水浪窩至荃錦坳扶輪公園

馬鞍山、獅子山、大帽山、金山、城門郊野公園 (位置) | 麥理浩徑第 4 至第 8 段

Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 5.31.30 PM.png



行李托運區將於9 月30 日晚上9:30 開放,位於麥理浩徑第4 段起點處的西沙路附近。


請沿著麥理浩徑第4 段向前步行約 500 公尺到 直升機坪旁邊的起跑區。比賽將於午夜準時開始!

Bag Drop & Start Line Arrange


The drop-off area will open at 21:30, 30 September off Sai Sha Road at the start of the Maclehose Trail Section 4. Please proceed about 500m down the Section 4 Trail to the start area near the helipad. The race will start at midnight, SHARP! 



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