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大滿貫 Grand Slam

我們今年特別將 Dark45 和 Light16 兩個距離分開於兩天舉行比賽,


There are 2 distance categories held over 2 dates. 

Be a Grand Slammer by completing both events!

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完成 Light 16 和 Dark 45 賽事後將獲得該賽事的完成獎牌/獎座。

如果最後未能參加 Light 16 的選手,仍然可以參加 Dark 45,但不會被視為大滿貫完成者。


Each Grand Slam runner will receive 1 race vest (not 2) at race pack collection

After completing Light 16 and Dark 45,

each Grand Sammer will receive the respective finish medal/trophy.

Participant who does not start/finish in Light 16, may still participate in Dark 45.

However, he/she will not be considered as a Grand Slam finisher.

We have special prizes for the top 3 male and female winners.

​Grand Slam Registration Fee 大滿貫報名費 : HKD1100

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