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Dark 45 為了表揚參加者出色的表現,特意為大家準備豐富獎品。

Dark 45 has prepared prizes for the participants in recognition of their outstanding performance.

Dark 45 獎品 Award

  • 男子/女子 全場 第一名至第十名 Overall 1st to 10th place : 獎座 + 禮品

  • 男子/女子 年紀組別 第一名至第三名 Age Category 1st to 3rd place : 獎座 + 禮品

Light 16 獎品 Award

  • 男子/女子 全場 第一名至第十名 Overall 1st to 10th place : 獎座 + 禮品

  • 男子/女子 年紀組別 第一名至第三名 Age Category 1st to 3rd place : 獎座 + 禮品

  • 男子/女子青少年組別 (12-17歲) 第一名至第十名 Junior 1st to 10th place : 獎座 + 禮品

  • 隊際(2024年新增) 第一至三名 : 禮品 Team 1st to 3rd place : 禮品

Dark45 / Light 16 特設「時間達標獎」 - 於限時內完成即可獲贈相應現金獎勵。​

Cash Awards (HKD) in both Dark 45 & Light 16 for runners achieving finishing time (set by the race organiser) ​. 

Dark 45 獎金 Cash Prizes







HK$2,000 for men who finish within 5 hours  

HK$1,000 for men who finish within 5 hours and 20 minutes

HK$500 for men who finish within 5 hours and 40 minutes

HK$2,000 for women who finish within 5 hours and 40 minutes

HK$1,000 for women who finish within 6 hours 

HK$500 for women who finish within 6 hours and 20 minutes

Light 16 獎金 Cash Prizes 





男子青少年組別(12-17歲) 於2小時內完成可獲港幣500元正

女子青少年組別(12-17歲) 於2小時30分內完成可獲港幣500元正

HK$1,000 for men who finish within 1 hour and 30 minutes

HK$500 for men who finish within 1 hour and 40 minutes

HK$1,000 for women who finish within 1 hour and 50 minutes

HK$500 for women who finish within 2 hours

Boys Junior (12-17 years old) HK$500 for completing within 2 hours 

Girls Junior (12-17 years old) HK$500 for completing within 2 hours and 30 minutes


*Dark45 reserves the right to change the final prize and prize money sent out.

荃錦坳扶輪公園荃錦坳扶輪公園45km16km獎品 45km16km獎品.png
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